Recognizing the Completion of High Quality Regional Economic Development Plan on Eastern Shore

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development (RD) office in Virginia recognized the Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission (A-NPDC) in March in Melfa, Va. for the completion of a high quality regional economic development plan for the Eastern Shore.
“The agency is very proud of the hard work and dedication that the Eastern Shore region committed to completing high quality economic development plans,” said Janice Stroud-Bickes, Virginia Acting State Director USDA Rural Development. “We look forward to continuing support to the region as it fulfills its identified goals.”
The Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission received an award of outstanding achievement for the November 2016 completion of the Stronger Economies Together (SET) regional economic development plan Tuesday at Eastern Shore Community College. Executive Director Elaine Meil, Director of Planning Curtis Smith and Eastern Shore Community College President Dr. Linda K. Thomas-Glover accepted the award on behalf of the commission during the Accomack-Northampton Economic Development Committee’s public meeting.
Aerospace and Defense; Agribusiness and Food Processing; Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, & Visitor Industries; and Foundational & Entrepreneurship Development are the four industries that members of the region identified as cluster goals to further economic development.
Since completion of the plan, the Eastern Shore has leveraged $5.7 million of RD and other funding consisting of almost $20,000 in rural business programs, $151,700 for community facilities programs, nearly $20,000 in rural utilities programs, and $5.5 million to support rural housing. Read more.