Planning District Commission Meeting – June 20, 2016 – 7PM

Unless otherwise noted, the Planning District Commission meetings are held at the business office in Accomac, Virginia.
Unless otherwise noted, the Planning District Commission meetings are held at the business office in Accomac, Virginia.
Today, the A-NPDC signed an agreement with Sponsor-A-Highway of America to conduct a pilot project for Waste Watchers of the Eastern Shore to clean roadways using funds raised from sponsors. GreenWorks will be establishing a schedule of cleaning and monitoring to ensure…
The Regional Housing Authority meeting will be held at the New Road Apartments Community Room in Exmore, Virginia. 3208 Thurgood Marshall Rd Exmore, VA 23350
The Eastern Shore of Virginia Housing Alliance meeting will be held at the New Road Apartments Community Room in Exmore, Virginia. 3208 Thurgood Marshall Rd Exmore, VA 23350
Unless otherwise noted, the Planning District Commission meetings are held at the business office in Accomac, Virginia.