General Assembly Session – Bills Mentioning the Eastern Shore of Virginia

At this time no specific information is available on bills introduced from the Eastern Shore’s legislator. We expect in time this information will become available. The following are the bills that mention the Eastern Shore of Virginia specifically.
- HB648 (show hits) ..Oyster measures; reduces minimum size of container by which oysters in shell may.. (1)
- HB840 (show hits) ..License plates, special; issuance to support Eastern Shore business community… (6)
- HB844 (show hits) ..Eastern Shore Water Access Authority; created… (7)
- HJ16 (show hits) ..Recurrent flooding; joint subcommittee established to formulate recommendations t.. (1)
- HJ121 (show hits) ..Advanced Composites Initiative; encouraging development at historic Langley Resea.. (1)
- SB187 (show hits) ..Biennial appropriations, Commonwealth’s; changing to begin in an odd-numbered yea.. (1)
- SJ3S1 (show hits) ..Recurrent flooding; joint subcommittee established to formulate recommendations t.. (1)
- SJ3 (show hits) ..Recurrent flooding; joint subcommittee established to formulate recommendations t.. (1)
- SJ34 (show hits) ..Study; recurrent flooding; report… (1)
- SJ86 (show hits) ..Advanced Composites Initiative… (1)