HUD Section-8 COVID-19 Waivers accepted by A-NRHA

PH and HCV-3 Annual reexamination Income Verification Regulatory
Authority § 5.233(a)(2) Sub-regulatory Guidance PIH Notice 2018-18
PHAs to consider self-certification as the highest form of income verification. Expires 12/31/21 Adopted 4/14/2020
PH and HCV-4 Interim reexaminations Statutory Authority Section 3(a)(1) Regulatory Authority § 5.233(a)(2), 982.516(c)(2), 960.257(b) and (d)
Sub-regulatory Guidance PIH Notice 2018-18 Waives the requirement
to use the income verification requirements, including the use of EIV, for
interim reexaminations.
Expires 12/31/21 Adopted 4/14/2020
PH and HCV-5 EIV System Monitoring Regulatory Authority § 5.233
Sub-regulatory Guidance PIH Notice 2018-18 Waives the mandatory EIV
monitoring requirements.
Expires 12/31/21 Adopted 4/13/2020
HQS-1 Initial inspection Statutory Authority Section 8(o)(8)(A)(i), Section 8(o)(8)(C) Regulatory Authority § 982.305(a), 982.305(b), 982.405
Changes initial inspection requirements, allowing for owner certification that
there are no life-threatening deficiencies.
Where self-certification was used, PHA must inspect the unit no later than
Adopted 4/13/2020
HQS-2: PBV Pre-HAP Contract Inspections, PHA acceptance of completed
units Statutory Authority: Section 8(o)(8)(A) Regulatory Authority: §§ 983.301(b), 983.156(a)(1) Changes inspection requirements, allowing for owner
certification that there are no life-threatening deficiencies.
Where self-certification was used, PHA must inspect the unit no later than
Adopted 4/14/2020
HQS-5 Biennial Inspections Statutory Authority Section 8(o)(D) Regulatory Authority §§ 982.405(a), 983.103(d) Allows for delay in biennial inspectionsAll delayed biennial inspections must be completed as soon as reasonably
possible but by no later than 1 year after the date on which the biennial
inspection would have been required absent the waiver.
Expires 6/30/2022
Adopted 4/14/2020
HQS-6 Interim Inspections Statutory Authority Section 8(o)(8)(F) Regulatory Authority §§ 982.405(g), § 983.103(e) Waives the requirement for the PHA to conduct interim inspection and requires alternative method Allows for repairs to be verified by alternative methods.
Expires 12/31/21 Adopted 4/14/2020
HQS-9 HQS QC Inspections Regulatory Authority § 982.405(b) Provides for a suspension of the requirement for QC sampling inspections.
Expires 12/31/21 Adopted 4/14/2020
HCV-1 Administrative Plan Regulatory Authority § 982.54 (a) 1) Waives the requirement to adopt revisions to the admin plan UPDATED 7/2/2020
2) Established an alternative requirement that policies may be adopted without
board approval 3) Any provision adopted informally must be adopted formally
no later than 12/31/2020.
1) Expired 7/31/20 2) Expires 9/30/21 3) Expires 12/31/21
1) Adopted 4/14/2020 2&3) Adopted 7/8/2020
HCV-2 PHA Oral Briefing Regulatory Authority § 982.301(a)(3) § 983.252(a) Waives the requirement for an oral briefing Provides for alternative methods
to conduct required voucher briefing.
Expires 12/31/21 Adopted 4/14/2020
HCV-3 Term of Voucher -Extensions of Term Regulatory Authority § 982.303(b)(1) Allows PHAs to provide voucher extensions regardless of current
PHA policy.
Expires 12/31/21 Adopted 4/13/2020
HCV-5 Absence from unit Regulatory Authority § 982.312 Allows for PHA
discretion on absences from units longer than 180 days PHAs must not make
HAP payments beyond 12/31/20 for units vacant more than 180 consecutive
Expires 12/31/21 Adopted 5/12/2020
HCV-6 Automatic Termination of the HAP Contract Regulatory Authority § 982.45 Allows PHA to extend the period of time after the last HAP payment is made before the HAP contract terminates automatically.
Expires 12/31/20 Adopted 4/14/2020
11a PHAS Regulatory Authority 24 CFR Part 902 Allows for alternatives related to inspections PHA to retain prior year PHAS score unless requests
HUD will resume issuing new PHAS scores starting with PHAs with FYE datesof 12/31/21
11b SEMAP Regulatory Authority 24 CFR Part 985 PHA to retain prior year SEMAP score unless requests otherwise.
HUD will resume issuing new SEMAP scores starting with PHAs with FYE
dates of 12/31/21
11c Financial reporting Regulatory Authority §§ 5.801(c), 5.801(d)(1) Allows for extensions of financial reporting deadlines. Varies by PHA FYE
12a Form HUD 50058 Regulatory Authority 24 CFR Part 908, § 982.158
Sub-regulatory Guidance PIH Notice 2011-65 Waives the requirement to submit 50058 within 60 days Alternative requirement to submit within 90 days of the effective date of action.
Expired 12/31/20
12c Deadline for reporting Operating and Capital Fund expenditures
Statutory Authority Section 9(j) Regulatory Authority § 905.306(d)(5)
Provides a one-year extension, however no programmatic expenditure end
date shall be extended beyond one month prior to closure of relevant
Adopted 7/8/2020