Kiptopeke State Park Master Plan to be Discussed Sept. 4

RICHMOND – A public meeting to discuss long-range planning for Kiptopeke State Park will be Sept. 4, 6 p.m., at Kiptopeke Elementary School, 24023 Fairview Road, Cape Charles. Staff with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation will provide an overview of the park’s revised master plan. Each state park has a master plan that guides development. Plans are updated every five years.
“Master plans outline the desired future condition for a park when it is fully developed,” said Janit Llewellyn Allen, a park planner. “We welcome public input in the planning process.”
The updated plan for Kiptopeke calls for construction of two- and three-bedroom cabins, a visitor center with playground and shelter, an environmental education center and staff residence. Renovations to park roads, a fish cleaning station and beach conservation also are in the plan.
The 562-acre park on Virginia’s Eastern Shore offers recreational access to the Chesapeake Bay and opportunities to explore a unique coastal habitat featuring a major flyway for migratory birds. Kiptopeke is 3 miles from the northern terminus of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel.
Written comments about this master plan update will be accepted through Oct. 4. Written comments should be submitted to [email protected] .