Notice of Public Hearing

Northampton County will hold a public hearing on March 22, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Chambers, 16404 Courthouse Road, Eastville, Virginia, to solicit public input on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) proposal to be submitted to the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development for the Eastville Community Health Center project. Resident of the project area are encouraged to attend.
The Eastville Community Health Center proposal will include the following activities:
The County will partner with Eastern Shore Rural Health to development a 23,000 square feet community health center that will include digital x-ray, expanded lab services and dental services. The Center will replace the existing facilities in Bayview and Franktown, and will offer expanded services and hours.
The draft CDBG proposal will be presented for comment along with information on projected beneficiaries, including the number of low- and moderate-income residents to benefit from the proposed project, and plans to minimize displacement. Citizens will also be given the opportunity to comment on Northampton County’s past use of CDBG funds. A fact sheet on the proposed project and the draft proposal is available at the Northampton County Administrative Office. For additional information, contact John Andrzejewski at 757-678-0440 and extension #550.
Comments and grievances can be submitted in writing to Northampton County, P.O. Box 66, Eastville, VA 23347, or by phone at 757-678-0440 Ext #550, and TDD at Virginia Relay by dialing 7-1-1, until noon of the day of the hearing.
If you plan to attend and have any special needs requirements, please call the number listed above.