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Ground Water Committee

The Eastern Shore of Virginia Ground Water Committee is a bi-county committee formed in 1990 by Accomack and Northampton Counties to study and plan for ground water protection. The 11-member committee meets monthly and includes elected officials, citizens, and local government staff. The Planning District Commission staffs the committee and a consulting hydrogeologist advises the committee, prepares technical reports, and coordinates with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the USGS.

Chairman John Coker

Vice Chairman Calvin Washington

Committee Members Elaine Meil, Paul Grossman, Susan Mastyl, Grayson Chesser, Daniel Hershey, Ann Hayward Walker, Charles Kolakowski, & Mike Mason

Our Mandate

The committee’s mandate is to “assist local governments and residents of the Eastern Shore in understanding, protecting and managing ground water resources, to maintain a ground water resources protection and management plan, to serve as an educational and informational resource to local governments and residents of the Eastern Shore, and to initiate special studies concerning the protection and management of the Eastern Shore ground water resource.


The Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month from 10:00am until noon – at the The Board Room at the ESVA Chamber of Commerce, Melfa VA – unless otherwise specified. The Committee does not meet in the month of July or December. The meetings are open to the public, all are welcome.

Upcoming Meetings:

January 16, 2024

February 20, 2024

March 19, 2024

April 16, 2024

May 21, 2024

June 18, 2024

August 20, 2024

September 17, 2024

October 15, 2024

November 19, 2024

The Board Room at the Eastern Shore of VA Chamber of Commerce, Melfa VA, @10 A.M.

We are offering a virtual option for Public Participation:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 757 787 2936 Passcode: 7577872936

One tap mobile +16465588656,,7577872936#,,,,*7577872936# US (New York)

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