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Project Summaries

Town Planning Projects

The Northeast Neighborhood of Onancock Revitalization

In 2020 the Town of Onancock was awarded a Planning Grant from the Department of Housing and Community Development. During the planning period of this grant we will be conducting a community-wide assessment of housing and infrastructure rehabilitation needs that will allow the Town to idenify and prioitize potential project areas that may qualify for and benefit from projet planning grant assistance.


Wednesday, January 6th 2020, at 6:00 p.m

The Town of Onancock will hold a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, January 6th 2020, at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom conference call to solicit public input on local community development and housing needs concerning Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for a project in the Northeast Neighborhood.
Information on the amount of funding available, the requirements for benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, eligible activities, and plans to minimize displacement and provide displacement assistance as necessary will be available. Citizens will also be given the opportunity to comment on the Town of Onancock’s past use of CDBG funds.

Please Call 1-301-715-8592 to access the conference call. Meeting ID # 757 787 2936 Passcode: 757 787 2936

Town of Chincoteague’s Historic Firehouse Redevelopment

In 2020, the Town of Chincoteague partnered with the A-NPDC to be awarded a grant from the Virginia Housing Development Authority to assist in the preliminary procedures on how to redevelop the Chincoteague Historic Firehouse. The awarded grant includes funding to research and solicit quotes from contractors to assist in the development of a feasibility study and preliminary architecture and engineering report. The feasibility study for this project will determine different outcomes that will bring an economic impact to the town of Chincoteague. The preliminary architecture and engineering report will be conducted to evaluate the overall structure.

Quotes from contractors were obtained on 4/24/2020 when the bidding opportunity ended. A virtual meeting with the Chincoteague Firehouse Steering Committee will be held on May 6, 2020, to conduct business and solicit feedback from the committee members on each quote. If you would like more information on this meeting, please contact Grayson Williams at [email protected] .

The Town of Chincoteague needs YOUR input on how to revitalize the Historic Chincoteague Firehouse! Please complete the brief survey below so your voice can be heard.

Town of Parksley Downtown Revitalization Project: Get On Board!

Beginning in 2017, the A-NPDC assisted Parksley with a downtown revitalization project. A-NPDC staff is coordinating a Management Team and facilitating multiple public and stakeholder outreach activities focused on developing a revised vision for the Town including an economic restructuring plan and marketing strategy. The work is focusing on capitalizing on the relocation of the Eastern Shore Public Library to downtown Parksley. To date, an inventory of conditions of downtown properties has been conducted and a prioritized list of needs has been produced. A-NPDC will be preparing a VA Department of Housing and Community Development Community Improvement Grant application to support various construction and beautification activities.

For more information on the project, please visit the project page here.

Town of Painter Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance Updates

In 2016, the A-NPDC assisted the Town of Painter and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (successor to the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Board) with amending both their Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances in order to meet requirements of the Chesapeake Bay Act.

Town of Exmore Comprehensive Plan

In 2014, A-NPDC assisted Exmore with writing a new Town Plan. It was adopted in summer 2015 and is available here.

Town of Cape Charles Comprehensive Plan Update

In 2013, A-NPDC assisted Cape Charles with updating their Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission presented the approved draft to Town Council in spring 2015. Subsequently, changes were requested and these have been incorporated into the update and sent to Town Council.

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