Technical Assistance Program
In FY2016, the A-NPDC staff published and distributed the CAWG Newsletter, and staff offered coastal management training opportunities for local government entities while coordinating public education efforts. A-NPDC also continued to staff the Eastern Shore of Virginia Ground Water Committee which provided GIS services, conducted state and federal environmental review, and worked with local governments and organizations. The A-NPDC facilitated a draft governing the formation of the Eastern Shore Water Access Authority. Surveys and contacts were made to facilitate Shore Big Tree in order to aid in the creation of implementation plans for different local government bodies. Over $445,066 in grant funds and staff time were leveraged to aid the completion of multiple projects related to the goals presented in the scope of work.
More information about the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Coastal Zone Management Program and their work with the Coastal Planning District Commissions can be found on their web site.
2016 Annual Report – Will be available in October of 2017.
VCZM Grant # | |||
FY2002, Task 12.09 | NA17OZ2355-01 | Seaside Heritage Program: Ecotourism Access Improvements | Two floating docks were constructed in Chincoteague and Wachapreague resulting in enhanced access for paddlers. This infrastructure has been critical for the Seaside Water Trail and Camping Accommodation Implementation Plan |
FY2003. Task 12.11 | NA03NOS4190104 | Seaside Heritage Program: Ecotourism Access Improvements | One floating dock was constructed in Willis Wharf resulting in enhance access for paddlers. The infrastructure has been critical for the Seaside Water Trail and Camping Accommodation Implementation Plan |
FY2004, Task 11.10 | NA04NOS4190060 | Seaside Heritage Program: Ecotourism Access Improvements | Supplies purchased for the Willis Wharf Observation Deck led to construction using VCZM funds in FY05. The project also funded the construction of a floating dock in Quinby resulting in enhanced access for paddlers. This infrastructure has been critical for the Seaside Water Trail and Camping Accommodation Implementation Plan |
FY2004, Task 83.06 | NA04NOS4190060 | Chesapeake Bay Buffer Land Classification Project | Project outcomes were built upon during FY06 TA Grant. Is regularly used for land use decisions by localities and available on Coastal GEMS |
FY2004, Task 41 | NA04NOS4190060 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The ES Ground Water Committee leveraged work from this year’s grant to complete additional and ongoing tasks during the subsequent year’s grant. |
FY2005, Task 41 | NA05NOS4191180 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The ES Ground Water Committee leveraged work from this year’s grant to complete additional and ongoing tasks during the subsequent year’s grant. |
FY2006, Task 41 | NA06NOS4190241 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The ES Ground Water Committee leveraged work from this year’s grant to complete additional and ongoing tasks during the subsequent year’s grant. |
FY2007, Task 41 | NA07NOS4190178 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The Seaside Water Trail Historic Resources Project has leveraged additional VCZM Grants associated with the trail. |
FY2008, Task 14 | NA08NOS4190466 | Wachapreague Seaside Park Plant ES Natives Demonstration Garden | A sub-program for Plant ES Natives, called Shore Big Trees, was established and a native tree was leveraged in the Wachapreague. |
FY2008, Task 41 | NA08NOS4190466 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The Chincoteague Tour Training Guide was leveraged into additional work during TA Program grants in subsequent years. The ES Ground Water Committee leveraged work from this year’s grant to complete additional and ongoing tasks during the subsequent year’s grant. |
FY2009, Task 41 | NA08NOS4190163 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The ES Ground Water Committee leveraged work from this year’s grant to complete additional and ongoing tasks during the subsequent year’s grant. |
FY2010, Task 41 | NA10NOS4190205 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The ES Ground Water Committee leveraged work from this year’s grant to complete additional and ongoing tasks during the subsequent year’s grant. |
FY2010, Task 41 | NA10NOS4190205 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The ES Ground Water Committee leveraged work from this year’s grant to complete additional and ongoing tasks during the subsequent year’s grant. |
FY2010, Task 96.01 | NA10NOS4190205 | Seaside SAMP Phase 3 Technical Assistance | This project led to additional VCZM grants related to assessing Recreational & Commercial uses on the Seaside to enhance coastal management. The work also led to VCZM funding for the establishment of restoration goals for SAV on the Seaside. |
FY2011, Task 41 | NA11NOS4190122 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The Boating and Marina Needs Enhancement Assessment was leveraged into subsequent VCZM grants related to Working Waterfronts |
FY2011, Task 96 | NA11NOS4190122 | Seaside SAMP Recreational Use Assessment and SAV Restoration Goals | This work was leveraged into subsequent VCZM funding for an assessment of commercial use and exploration of state-policy for establishment of SAV restoration set-aside areas for Seaside. |
FY2012, Task 41 | NA12NOS4190168 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The ES Ground Water Committee leveraged work from this year’s grant to complete additional and ongoing tasks during the subsequent year’s grant. |
FY2012, Task 96 | NA12NOS4190168 | Seaside SAMP Recreational & Commercial Use Assessment and SAV Restoration Goals | The Commercial Fishing Use Assessment was leveraged into additional planning work funded by BOEM and VDMME regarding commercial and recreational fishing activities within the Virginia Wind Energy Area |
FY2012, Task 51 | NA12NOS4190168 | Eastern Shore Water Trails Association Development & Seaside Water Trail Camping Accommodation Implementation Plan |
No work leveraged from grant to date. |
FY2013, Task 41 | NA13NOS4190135 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The Proceedings of the Eastern Shore Land Protection Working Group Report identified additional economic impact studies needed in the region. The work has been leveraged for FY15 through a VCZMP grant. The ES Ground Water Committee leveraged work from this year’s grant to complete additional and ongoing tasks during the subsequent year’s grant. |
FY2013, Task 53 | NA13NOS4190135 | Eastern Shore Transportation Infrastructure Inundation Vulnerability Assessment | The report has been regularly utilized to leverage and enhance federal and state transportation funding applications. |
FY2014, Task 41 | NA14NOS4190141 | A-NPDC Technical Assistance Program | The special project, Shore Big Trees Implementation Plan, has led to native tree plantings in local communities. The ES Ground Water Committee leveraged work from this year’s grant to complete additional and ongoing tasks during the subsequent year’s grant. |