Recreation & Park Planning
Virginia Outdoors Plan
A-NPDC hosts the annual Virginia Outdoors Plan update. Public comments taken during this time have been incorporated into the Virginia Outdoors Plan Chapter for the Eastern Shore. This plan is now completely available electronically and contains numerous suggestions and comments submitted by local residents and officials.
Parks Development
Accomack Central Park Playground
Accomac, Virginia
In 2014, A-NPDC assisted Accomack County Parks & Recreation Department with initial master planning meetings for the new park site and wrote a successful grant application to construct a playground at the new Accomack Central Park.
Wachapreague Seaside Park
Wachapreague, Virginia
In 2008, A-NPDC assisted the Town of Wachapreague with obtaining Department of Conservation and Recreation funding to purchase the old Hotel Wachapreague site and turn this into the Seaside Park. Acquisition was completed in 2009. A gazebo and native plantings have also been added with various other funding sources.
Robert N. Reed Park
Chincoteague, Virginia
In 2002, A-NPDC assisted the Town of Chincoteague with implementation of their strategy to revitalize their historic commercial district along the waterfront. A-NPDC efforts includes grant writing, and grant administration. Acquisition of a large blighted parcel in the center of the district for development of a multi-use park was a key factor in that strategy. The Robert N. Reed Park has become the focal point of downtown and a key factor in efforts to attract tourists and residents downtown. The original project included numerous funding sources: Community Development Block Grant, Transportation Enhancement Grant, Land and Water Conservation Fund, Boating Infrastructure Grant, Department of Forestry Grant and Town funding. The park has been the site of numerous festivals from and also provides a venue for community activities and cultural events and recreation opportunities.
The Town purchased .3 acres adjacent to the park. In 2012, A-NPDC continued to assist the Town by arranging two grants from the Department of Conservation and Recreation for additional development funds and from the Virginia Marine Resources Commission for funding to construct a fishing pier at the park.