Water Trails
The Virginia Seaside Water Trail was developed about a decade ago and is hosted on the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program’s website.
During 2018, A-NPDC staff are working with partners to update the Seaside Water Trail and develop a unique Virginia Water Trails website for the convenience of visitors and locals alike. The new tri-region collaboration, Rural Coastal Virginia (RCVA), with the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck is focused on improving Ecotourism assets and co-promoting our similar green and blue assets. Long-term lans exist for developing a sister Bayside Water Trail that will link to the Captain John Smith Chesapeake Historic National Trail and other resources.
The new logo has been approved & the new website is live! Visit www.VirginiaWaterTrails.org, if you see anything that may need attention, please email [email protected], as the site is still actively being refined and updated.
Looking to get out on the water or on a guided nature experience in Coastal Virginia? Visit either our page or the page on the Water Trails website for more information!
The final report, as prepared for the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program, for the first of this 3-year development effort can be found here.
There were three Seaside Water Trail Stakeholder meetings held during 2018, files for their agendas and attendance can be found below.
There were two Bayside Water Trail Stakeholder meetings held during 2019, files for their agendas and attendance can be found below.
Development of the Virginia Water Trail website, www.VirginiaWaterTrails.org, was funded by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, and guided by the Ecotourism Steering Committee. Meeting agendas, minutes, and supplemental information can be found below.
- Ecotourism_Minutes_9.3.2020
- Ecotourism_Agenda_9.3.2020
- Ecotourism_Minutes_6.4.2020
- Ecotourism_Agenda_6.4.2020
- Ecotourism_Minutes_3.5.2020
- Ecotourism_Agenda_3.5.2020
- Ecotourism_Minutes_12.4.2019
- Ecotourism_Agenda_12.4.2019
- Ecotourism_Minutes_9.9.2019
- Ecotourism_Agenda_9.9.2019
- Ecotourism_Minutes_6.6.2019
- Ecotourism_Agenda_6.6.2019
- Ecotourism_Agenda_3.6.2019
- Ecotourism_Minutes_10.30.18
- Ecotourism_Agenda_10.30.18
- Ecotourism_Minutes_4.10.18
- Ecotourism_Agenda_4.10.18
- Ecotourism_Branding&MarketingMtg_Summary2.6.18
- RuralEcotourismJan31Presentation
- Ecotourism_Minutes1.31.18
- Ecotourism_Agenda1.31.18